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  1. Engineering Certifications and Licenses: What You Need to Know

    In the competitive field of engineering, certifications and licenses play a crucial role in demonstrating expertise and commitment to professional standards. Whether you are a recent graduate or an experienced engineer looking to advance your career, understanding the various certifications and licenses available can help you make informed decisions about your professional development. This article explores some of the key certifications and licenses in the engineering profession, including the prestigious Professional Engineer (PE) license and other specialized credentials.

    The Importance of Certifications and Licenses

    Certifications and licenses provide several benefits to engineers, including:

    • Enhanced Credibility: They validate your knowledge and skills, making you a more attractive candidate to employers.
    • Career Advancement: Many employers require or prefer certified and licensed engineers for senior positions.
    • Increased Earning Potential: Certified and licensed engineers often command higher salaries.
    • Legal Authority: Certain projects, especially public works, require a licensed engineer to approve and oversee the work.

    Professional Engineer (PE) License

    The Professional Engineer (PE) license is one of the most recognized and respected credentials in the engineering field. It signifies that an engineer has met the required education, experience, and examination standards and is qualified to practice engineering at a professional level.

    Requirements for PE Licensure:

    1. Education: A bachelor’s degree in engineering from an ABET-accredited program.
    2. Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam: Typically taken right after graduation, this exam tests basic engineering knowledge.
    3. Experience: Four years of progressive engineering experience under the supervision of a PE.
    4. Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Exam: A rigorous exam that tests your ability to practice engineering in your chosen discipline.

    Benefits of PE Licensure:

    • Legal authority to sign and seal engineering plans and documents.
    • Eligibility for higher-level and leadership roles.
    • Recognition of professional expertise and commitment to ethical standards.

    Specialized Engineering Certifications

    In addition to the PE license, there are various specialized certifications that engineers can pursue to demonstrate expertise in specific areas. These certifications can enhance your skills and career prospects in niche fields.

    Project Management Professional (PMP):

    • Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI).
    • Demonstrates your ability to manage projects efficiently.
    • Beneficial for engineers involved in project management roles.

    Certified Energy Manager (CEM):

    • Offered by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE).
    • Validates your expertise in energy management and efficiency.
    • Ideal for engineers working in energy conservation, renewable energy, and sustainability.

    Six Sigma Certification:

    • Offered at various levels (Green Belt, Black Belt) by multiple organizations.
    • Focuses on process improvement and quality management.
    • Useful for engineers in manufacturing, production, and process optimization roles.

    Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE):

    • Offered by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
    • Recognizes expertise in manufacturing processes, operations, and materials.
    • Suitable for engineers in manufacturing and production environments.

    LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP):

    • Offered by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
    • Indicates proficiency in sustainable building practices and LEED rating systems.
    • Beneficial for engineers in construction, architecture, and environmental design.

    Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA):

    • Offered by Cisco.
    • Demonstrates your ability to install, configure, and troubleshoot networks.
    • Ideal for engineers specializing in network engineering and IT infrastructure.


    Obtaining certifications and licenses is a valuable investment in your engineering career. The PE license is a cornerstone credential that can open doors to advanced opportunities and legal responsibilities. Additionally, specialized certifications enable engineers to gain expertise in specific areas, making them more competitive in the job market and capable of tackling specialized challenges. Whether you are just starting your engineering journey or looking to enhance your existing skills, pursuing the appropriate certifications and licenses can significantly impact your professional growth and success.

    This article was produced with the assistance of generative AI.

  2. Exploring Top Career Paths in Engineering for Recent High School Graduates

    With the rapid advancement of technology and the growing importance of sustainable solutions, the field of engineering offers a wealth of opportunities for recent high school graduates. Engineering is a versatile discipline that encompasses various specializations, each leading to unique and rewarding career paths. This article explores some of the top career paths in engineering and the undergraduate degrees that best prepare students for these roles.

    Civil Engineering
    Career Path: Civil Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

    Civil engineers are responsible for designing, constructing, and maintaining infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, dams, and buildings. This career path is ideal for students who have a passion for creating structures that benefit society. A Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering provides the foundational knowledge in materials science, structural analysis, and project management necessary for success in this field.

    Mechanical Engineering
    Career Path: Mechanical Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

    Mechanical engineers work on the design and manufacturing of mechanical systems and devices, from small components to large machinery. This discipline is perfect for students interested in understanding how things work and improving mechanical processes. A Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering offers coursework in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and materials science, preparing students for diverse roles in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing.

    Electrical Engineering
    Career Path: Electrical Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

    Electrical engineers focus on the development and maintenance of electrical systems, including power generation, electronics, and telecommunications. This field is suitable for students fascinated by electricity and electronic devices. A Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering covers essential topics such as circuit theory, electromagnetics, and digital systems, equipping graduates with the skills to innovate in areas like renewable energy, robotics, and consumer electronics.

    Computer Engineering
    Career Path: Computer Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

    Computer engineers blend principles of electrical engineering and computer science to develop computer hardware and software. This career path is ideal for students who are passionate about technology and innovation. A Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering includes courses in programming, digital systems design, and computer architecture, preparing students for careers in software development, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.

    Environmental Engineering
    Career Path: Environmental Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering

    Environmental engineers use principles of engineering, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. This field is perfect for students dedicated to sustainability and protecting natural resources. A Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering covers areas such as water and air quality management, waste treatment, and environmental policy, enabling graduates to work in environmental consulting, government agencies, and non-profits.

    Chemical Engineering
    Career Path: Chemical Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

    Chemical engineers apply chemical principles to solve problems in the production of chemicals, fuels, drugs, and food. This discipline suits students with strong backgrounds in chemistry and a desire to work in various industries. A Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering provides education in process engineering, thermodynamics, and reaction kinetics, preparing students for careers in pharmaceuticals, energy, and materials science.

    Aerospace Engineering
    Career Path: Aerospace Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering

    Aerospace engineers design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems and equipment. This career path is ideal for students intrigued by flight and space exploration. A Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering includes coursework in aerodynamics, propulsion, and avionics, equipping graduates for roles in commercial aviation, defense, and space exploration.

    Biomedical Engineering
    Career Path: Biomedical Engineer
    Recommended Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

    Biomedical engineers combine engineering principles with medical sciences to design and create equipment, devices, computer systems, and software used in healthcare. This field is perfect for students interested in improving patient care through technology. A Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering covers biomechanics, medical imaging, and biomaterials, preparing students for careers in healthcare innovation, medical device manufacturing, and clinical research.

    Which career path will you choose?

    The field of engineering offers a multitude of career paths for recent high school graduates, each with its own set of exciting opportunities and challenges. By pursuing the appropriate undergraduate degree, students can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their chosen field and contribute to the advancement of technology and society. Whether interested in building infrastructure, developing new technologies, or protecting the environment, there is an engineering career path that aligns with each student’s passions and goals.

    This article was produced with the assistance of generative AI.

  3. NASA Space Systems Engineering Course to Be Offered Online

    In an effort to join the quickly expanding trend of Massive Online Open Courses (or MOOC’s), NASA has teamed up with the Saylor Foundation to provide a 6-week-long, completely free online course to the public entitled “Space Systems Engineering”.

    The course will use real NASA missions as case studies to cover the fundamentals of systems engineering, all while highlighting the integral part the practice plays in the pursuit of successful space flight. Furthermore, coursework will be lead directly by some of NASA space systems engineering’s most accomplished members: project manager Jeff Volosin, mission systems engineer Mike Menzel, and Dr. John C. Mather, who earned the Nobel Laureate in physics for his work on the COBE mission.

    The course is designed for those with all levels of engineering experience, but is also suitably accessible for those who have absolutely no background in engineering. The content is adapted from an existing course taught at the University of Texas, but with streamlined and simplified material that presents a simpler access point to the complicated field. Much of the curriculum is presented through Youtube playlists, with ongoing opportunities to participate in Google+ hangouts with faculty members.

    However, engineers shouldn’t feel as if the course won’t have a great deal of useful information to offer them. In a recent release, Jeff Volosin was quoted as saying, “Whether you are going to be a systems engineer or work with them, you have some background, because every engineer has to work in an area where systems engineering is a part of their life.” Using NASA space missions as a backdrop, the course is poised to provide incredibly useful information that can be applied to systems engineering across any field.

    Students interested in the course can enroll at zero cost until March 3rd, 2014, the day when the first unit of coursework is set to begin. The first unit will break down systems engineering at a basic level, and what impact it has on the aerospace industry. Subsequent units will cover topics in project management, defining a project’s scope, mapping out system requirements, and trade studies. Students will be able to access the materials whenever they like, including after the course ends, making it a great opportunity for aspiring engineers to pick up a solid base of knowledge.

  4. Skins Cells Turned into a Heart?

    By Adam Cronin

    Researchers from Haifa, Israel, have, for the first time, succeeded in taking skin cells from a patient and transforming it into healthy, beating heart tissue that could be used to treat heart failure.

    Lior Gepstein, from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, led the work. “We have shown that it’s possible to take skin cells from an elderly patient with advanced heart failure and end up with his own beating cells in a laboratory dish that are healthy and young—the equivalent to the stage of his heart cells when he was just born.”

    While it may be up to 10 years before we see a start to clinical trials, this is certainly a promising breakthrough in engineering. Because the stem cells are harvested from the skin or blood, instead of an embryo, this approach has also avoided the ethics problems that have nearly halted all stem cell research.

    These “human induced pluripotent stem cells” (hiPSCs) may be capable of differentiating to become any type of cell needed. In this study, they took two men with heart failure—one aged 51, the other 61—and transformed the hiPSCs by adding three genes and then a small molecule known as valproic acid to the nucleus of the cell.

    By growing these new cardiomyocytes in a Petri dish, they developed into heart muscle tissue, which grew together with existing cardiac tissue. Within 24-48 hours, both types of tissue were beating together.

    As a final step, this newly created tissue was transplanted into healthy rat hearts, and it was shown to establish connections with cells in the host tissue. Because this tissue will be derived from the same patient receiving it, Gepstein hopes that rejection of the tissue will not be an issue.

    Interested in following a similar path? If you’d like to discover amazing new technologies, medicines, and treatments or attend engineering school and see where it takes you, you should consider going the same route as Lior Gepstein. Gepstein received his M.D., and then proceeded to obtain a Ph.D. in biophysics and physiology. Johns Hopkins has an excellent pre-med program, and they are also on the “I Want to Be a Doctor… But Wait, I Forgot to Take Science!” list featured on CollegeXpress.

  5. Outsourcing Graduates?

    As companies flock to China to save on growing production costs in the United States, a similar trend has been identified in the engineering industry. Intensive and competitive programs at international universities threaten domestic graduates, reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Adam Bruckner, chair of the aeronautical engineering program at the University of Washington, sites shrinking and inferior education opportunities stateside as cause for alarm.

    Nearby aero-giant Boeing is notorious for recruiting from the University of Washington, but many students are graduating with qualifications and grades that the company finds subpar. “We don’t want to just crank people out for the sake of cranking people out. We want to produce good engineers,” says Bruckner of program shortcomings. He notes that educational cutbacks have left students unmotivated and created a bigger divide between the stellar performers and those who merely coast.

    On a recent trip to China to check out Beihang University, a school that specializes in engineering and the aeronautical field, Bruckner saw vast differences in their approach to teaching. Many will go on to work at companies like Boeing. What remains to be seen is how U.S. schools will look to fight back in a time when smart engineers are in greater demand than ever before.

    To read the full interview with Adam Bruckner from the Seattle PI, click here.

  6. Google Getting into TV!

    Google announced news that has the potential to be groundbreaking with their plan to launch Google TV. It promises to blend high definition television with web content, data from their wildly popular Android device, and from the Windows Media Center. Their primary competitor will be Apple TV, which provides a similar service using the iTunes application from Mac.

    Vincent Dureau, the lead engineer on the Google TV project, told the EE Times about what his new technology means for the future of television. Possibilities for the device’s reach are limitless. He says, “We are creating a platform that is completely open. It runs in a web browser so anyone can publish to it. Everything will be open source. That’s how you reach scale. Any vendor can take the source code and make products.” By allowing for outside engineers to work on application creation and expansion, Google TV could revolutionize the marriage of Internet and television.

    Google TV will be powered by an Intel Atom processor, and will be available starting Fall 2010. Sony will also be launching a new line of televisions designed to maximize the technology.

    To read engineer Vincent Dureau’s full interview with the EE Times, click here.